

The Pediatricians and staff of Emerald Pediatrics feel it is our privilege to care for your child. We wish to provide superior pediatric care in a friendly, accessible environment. We respect the individuality of each family and are committed to assisting you in providing the best environment for your child’s medical, developmental and emotional well-being.

tel: (614) 932-9370 fax: (614) 932-9372

Hours of Operation -

Monday - Wednesday: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Thursday- Friday: 8:00am - 5pm

Sunday/Holiday: No routine hours

Walk-In Hours (ill only):

Monday - Saturday 8:00am - 9:00am

Walk-in hours are available all year for ACUTE illnesses only (illnesses arising suddenly) for established patients only. We will not see patients for chronic illnesses/problems during this time. Patients are seen on a first come, first serve basis. New patients (patients who have not been seen in our office previously) require a scheduled appointment with a physician for their first appointment.

Holidays Observed - Office Closed: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

Limited Morning Hours: Good Friday, Wednesday before/Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve

For after hours care we recommend Nationwide Children’s Urgent Care or Emergency Departments (see Resources for link). We recommend calling the on-call pediatrician in our office for advice before taking your child in as there are many things you can do at home to avoid an unnecessary urgent visit.


Emerald Pediatrics strongly endorses full vaccination for children as it prevents common, potentially life-threatening illnesses. We strictly follow the AAP/CDC vaccination schedule, which is regularly updated (see link in Resources). We are happy to answer questions or discuss any benefits or risks of vaccination, but do expect your child will be fully vaccinated as our patient.

Our Staff

We are pleased to share our excellent staff with our patients, both on the phone and in person. Our staff includes Registered Nurses, in-office billing staff, and responsive office managers. Our staff strives to make the experience in our office a positive one. We enjoy working with children and families, and make our staff available to help you by giving medically accurate phone advice, connecting you with your pediatrician, assisting in specialist referrals and scheduling appointments. When visiting our office we maintain a child-friendly professional environment, always welcoming and reassuring for our young patients.